I'm just back from a really great holiday where I got to watch Barcelona v Athletico Madrid. The match was fantastic and made me view football in a totally different light! The only spoiler was I didn't get to see the cup presentation as Athletico Madrid won the title and not Barcelona!
It's now coming up to World Cup time and I'm definitely now in the mood for it.
Now for all the ladies who don't like football but your man does, you need to view this time as an opportunity!
The men in your life are just after some peace and quiet to watch the matches and as such, they'll pretty much agree to anything to get rid of you! All the things you've always wanted but he kept saying no, ask him again. This time find out when the teams he supports or really wants to watch is playing and time your question for when the match is about to start. Trust me, the answer will be yes!
And any shoes/bag/clothes you didn't know how to sneak into the house before, now you can boldly bring them home. If the match is on, he won't even look up when you walk through the door!
Also, this is now your personal time. You can catch up on all the girly things you've been meaning to do but never got around to for whatever reason. I'm personally planning on using some of my time to get the perfect bath! Glass of wine, music, candles, my kindle and lots and lots of sweet smelling bubbles! And those tv shows I found inappropriate to watch around T, I'm going to try to catch up on as much of them as I can in the month.
But I'll also try to catch a couple games. After all, fit guys running around in tight shorts and shirts is not a bad look!
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