Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Time Out To Be Me

For the last few weeks, I've been in a rut!

I was snapping at anyone I talked to and just been rude in general, even via texting. Now obviously this was not me as everyone who knows me thinks I'm so much fun to hang out with!

I had a week holiday booked to stay home and watch the Commonwealth Games but instead I chose to take the time to get myself back to normal.

I decided to do a no social media week which meant no outside information. To do this I had to turn my phone off and turn the internet off on my laptop and ipad. Also, my son was not allowed to discuss anything with me that meant passing on outside information.

Before the week started, I made sure to tell all my friends and family that I'd be out of contact.

I had a really enjoyable week! The main surprise was how much I missed Google!!!! I couldn't even watch tv shows as I'd gotten so accustomed to googling as I watched. Instead I read a little over 2 books and caught up on all my ironing and other housework.

Now that I've been back to work and mingling once more, I realised how necessary that break was! I'm back to my usual self and no longer feeling murderous.

The only downside is that some friends didn't like being cut off from me and have taken it personal and now refusing to talk to me. My views on that is that they weren't real friends to begin with. If they were they would have wanted the best for me and so would have been happy I took that break.

So............. WHATEVER!!!!

Monday, 7 July 2014

Tattoo or Not?

I was asked by a young man what my views are on him getting some more tattoos. He has a few already and thinking of getting more.

On thinking about it I thought I'd asked my churched up son what his views were on tattoos. He surprised me by saying that at times he thinks about getting one but at other times he thinks he doesn't want one. I walked away from that conversation pretty quickly!

Tattoos should be an artful expression of your feelings for someone or something that you're ALWAYS going to feel that way about. In 20-30 years time when you look at that tattoo, will you still have that feeling? To me this means if it's about someone, the only guaranteed people you'll love forever are parents and kids.

I read an interesting article regarding David Beckham tattoos (Ok the only reason I read it was because it was pics of him launching his underwear line but thats not the point!). Every one of his tattoos has a significant meaning to him. He has a few dedicated to Victoria but as she's already proven that she won't leave him no matter what, I think those are allowed.

Now I'm not trying to be a hypocrite as I have a tattoo, but the problem with getting inked up is you always want another one! And wanting one just for the sake of it isn't reason enough to get one.

Watching the world cup I've come to realise that covering your arms and torso with tattoos is the trend.

My advise is to design the tattoo you want and lock it away somewhere. After a year, if you still feel the same way about it then as you do now, get it done!

At the end of the day, you're the one who'll be living with it forever so ultimately you're the one who has to make that decision!!

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Enjoying the World Cup

I've been

I must apologise but what can I say? World Cup is on!!!

I knew ahead of the start of the competition that I'd have to watch quite a few matches as my job (since my son started watching World Cups) is record keeper. This time I thought I wouldn't need to watch as many as I used to as I could pick up the required information from the FIFA app.

The strange thing is I got caught up in the excitement right from the start! I'm team Brazil so had to watch the opening match and from then on I've been hooked! I've fallen asleep in a couple of the late night ones but otherwise you can say I've watched just about every game!

This World Cup has really surprised me. I didn't know that I would want to be watching the matches.  Not been forced to but putting it on even when I'm by myself. And it seems as if I'm not the only female that got caught out. Quite a few ladies I've talked to have been saying the same thing. The games have been so good that we haven't gotten bored!!!! And men, including the commentators, are all saying it's the best World Cup Ever!

The defending champions, for the first time ever, got knocked out the competition at the group stage. Teams that were meant to be walkovers have beaten would be favourites or at least made the favourites work for the win. The results have been so unpredictable that it's upped the level of excitement.

It's like I'm watching a soap opera with all the twist and turns and bites?! I'm anxiously waiting for the finale as I have no idea what the outcome will be as not even the professionals can't call it. But I am hoping and praying Brazil will be lifting the cup at the end as that would be my dream ending!!!!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

World Cup Prep & Tips

I'm just back from a really great holiday where I got to watch Barcelona v Athletico Madrid. The match was fantastic and made me view football in a totally different light! The only spoiler was I didn't get to see the cup presentation as Athletico Madrid won the title and not Barcelona!

It's now coming up to World Cup time and I'm definitely now in the mood for it.

My son and I just went through all the teams on the Fifa app ( download here) and out of 32 teams, there's only 11 teams that I don't know any players at all! I impressed myself!!! It seems that all those five-five minutes I spent with T watching matches over the years has paid off!

Now for all the ladies who don't like football but your man does, you need to view this time as an opportunity!

The men in your life are just after some peace and quiet to watch the matches and as such, they'll pretty much agree to anything to get rid of you! All the things you've always wanted but he kept saying no, ask him again. This time find out when the teams he supports or really wants to watch is playing and time your question for when the match is about to start. Trust me, the answer will be yes!

And any shoes/bag/clothes you didn't know how to sneak into the house before, now you can boldly bring them home. If the match is on, he won't even look up when you walk through the door!

Also, this is now your personal time. You can catch up on all the girly things you've been meaning to do but never got around to for whatever reason. I'm personally planning on using some of my time to get the perfect bath! Glass of wine, music, candles, my kindle and lots and lots of sweet smelling bubbles! And those tv shows I found inappropriate to watch around T, I'm going to try to catch up on as much of them as I can in the month.

But I'll also try to catch a couple games. After all, fit guys running around in tight shorts and shirts is not a bad look!

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Great Impulsive Decisions

When I turned my focus to how and where I'd like to celebrate my 40th, I had to look for somewhere that T would be able to come with me. I decided on Costa Dorada as it had Port Aventura theme park and we always said we'd go there at some point.

When researching the area, I found out Barcelona was an hour away so I immediately went on FC Barcelona website to check if any matches would be playing while we were there. There was!!! I didn't even think about it, I just booked!

That impulsive decision has proved to be one of my best!

Originally I started hoping Barcelona would win La Liga so we would see the cup presentation as it was the last game of the season. But when I mentioned this to a friend he said I should be wishing that both teams would be in a chance as this would make the game better.

I then started praying for things I never in a million years would have wanted:-
  • That both teams would be in it to win it
  • That Real Madrid would lose a match and drop out of the title race
  • For the match to be on the Saturday
And lo and behold, the football god answered all those prayers with a yes!

Now we're going to watch a match that almost every guy I know is drooling over.


For the La Liga Title!!!!!!!! 

Who would have thought it possible way back in October when I booked the tickets?

Great game, here we come!

Sunday, 11 May 2014

40 and Single

These days with my birthday fast approaching, every time I mention my age, the question I get asked the most is "Don't you think it's time you get married and settle down?". My answer is always, why?

Why should my age mean that I need to get hitched? Shouldn't it be a case of meeting the person that is capable of loving and living with your faults? I have no desire to ever get divorced and as such will never get married just to get married!

I've already said no twice and I'll keep saying it until the person asking proves that he can cope with  ALL my faults and I can live with his.

The problem for me though is I've already met that person but unfortunately he came into my life when we were too young and circumstances split us before we could go down that road.

I'm now hoping that what they say about everyone having three great loves is true. If it is, I have 20 years in which to meet at least one of the other two.

And in the mean time, I'll have fun looking!!!!

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Embarrassing or what?

Originally when I first thought about writing a blog, it was because I was constantly being asked questions regarding the caring and styling of my newfound natural hair.
I wanted to not have to answer these questions over and over but to be able to direct the person asking to a source where they could just pick up the information.

However I decided to take a more general view and made no attempt to remedy the lack of hair mentions and probably wouldn't have if I hadn't been put in an embarrassing position today.

I went into a shop today and when I got to the checkout, the girl instead of scanning my items, started in on me about my hair. She even called a couple of her coworkers over and the whole thing was becoming more embarrassing by the minute! All I kept thinking was, 'this could have been avoided with a website address'.

In most situations, I wouldn't have minded chatting and explaining my routine especially as the first girl said that the way my hair looks, she is going to a hairdresser to cut her hair on the weekend.
I mean, I would have felt good! The problem was the shop was Ann Summers!!! Now staff and customers alike know ALL my business!

I think that from now on, hair tips will definitely be a priority!

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Run? Looks more like walk!

As part of the need to create a healthier me, I've been doing a running program which is designed to get couch-potatoes, such as myself, moving. It's called Couch to 5k and more information can be found here.

I've just completed week 7 and I've got to say, I'm feeling quite proud!

On my first run of the week I was really going for it with arms and everything, fully at my limit when I caught my reflection in a building I was running past.

I almost stopped!

There I was thinking that Usain Bolt would never catch me! And my reflection looked like someone taking a leisurely stroll!

Luckily, the voice in my ear spoke to me at that moment and said, "running is not so much about speed but more about building endurance and stamina". It couldn't have come at a better time! I carried on and by the end of the week I was covering a lot more distance at each time check.

I've now made it a point of duty not to look at my reflection as I run past.

I will complete the plan and become the healthier version of me that I'm striving for!

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Online Dating

Most people I know get scared about online dating thinking you'll only find weirdos and perverts.

Truth be told, you'll find those on the bus/train, walking on the street, church, club, etc. Wherever you meet someone, the potential is there for them to be a mass murderer or rapist. The same dating rules apply wherever you meet them, male or female. Until you actually get to know someone you'll never know what they will or won't do.

Recently though, I've been coming across quite a few people in happy relationships where they met their partner online so thought I'd give it a try. 

With the help of a work colleague I got set up online and started getting messages. Ok, most of the guys actually seemed to be there just to find someone to have sex with but you figure out those ones pretty quick and stay clear of them. 

Anyway, after much conversing, finally gave a guy my number and we arranged a meeting at a nice pub that serves food as well. We met, started chatting and all was going great! Conversation got around to our kids and we started showing pictures. Showed him a pic of T and he called my son by his full name!!!!!!!

I was so shocked! He knew my son from church which also meant he knew my ex! All I wanted was for the ground to open up and swallow me. The only good thing after that was hearing how my son is a blessed child and how all the church members love him. 

Turns out I went online to find someone who lives 10 mins away. And knows my son! There I was finally thinking I could stop being "T's mom" only to find I can't run from it. 

The point I'm trying to make is there are nice guys online and if this guy hadn't known my son, we would have at least gone out once more.

Having all my friends laughing and saying I'm the only person that could happen to has put me off trying again. But never say never! 

Thursday, 1 May 2014

What comes after 40?

May is here and I'm about to be 40!

For most people, this would seem like a major disaster and a time to panic!

Truth be told, this is the birthday I've been looking forward to the most!

In fact, I'm now panicking about what will happen after the big day because I've never given much thought to even one day after I turn 40!

I'm now being forced to make contingency plans as it now looks as if life will continue after.

I've chopped all my hair off and gone natural, started running and swimming and also trying to make myself eat a proper balanced diet.

Hopefully life after d-day, or should I say b-day, will be the beginning of a more balanced, healthier , happier me!!!

Here's to 40!!!